Have you ever seen a rock that goes 6km underground? Sounds ridiculous I know but trust me Ayers Rock isn't mythical it's not fantasized and it's definitely NOT small! It's just like an iceberg. Only a small amount of it can be seen. Well, approxiametly 400m. I can't believe I tricked Max into playing a game to see who could find the biggest rock when he picked up a rock the size of my fist I just pointed to Ayers Rock and the look on his face was so funny! Oh Snap, it was totally worth the joke! Also another rock formation that we saw near Ayers Rock while driving through the Outback was called Mt. Connor or nicknamed Table Mountain because it was flat and so it looked like a table or more like an enormous stump! Except for the fact that it was made of stone of course!
So far Australia is so cool because have you ever heard of red sand? It kinda looks like cinnamon except just a wee bit lighter. Also we learned it was red because it had oxidized iron in it. The colour was definitely in contrast to Ayers Rock which we got to see change colour during a lightning storm when we went to see it! It changes colour depending on how the light is on it so you see it change from magenta to red to super dark red to orange! We also learned that Ayers rock and another rock formation called Mt. Olga beside it both have native names that are Uluru and Kata Tjuta. I hope we have an amazing six weeks and that school (with Mr. Pearson!) in Australia will be fun!
Missing everyone,