Hello Goodbye on CBC.

Back in August, on the day we left for our trip, we were interviewed at the airport by the people creating a new TV show called, Hello Goodbye.  It's a series on CBC featuring heartfelt stories behind the arrivals and departures from Pearson. 

For those of you living in Canada and interested in watching it, we were part of the last episode that aired this past Friday night.  

I think a repeat of the same show aired on Sunday?  

We're unable to access the show here in NZ, but from what I've read and the short trailers I've seen on the internet, it looks like it is quite compelling to watch.  

Our interview came at the end of a long week of chaotic packing, preparing and very little sleep.  

We were exhausted, but it was another opportunity for us to document our trip. 

If you're interested, you can find it online using this link.

Jason, Sully and Max: Honour The Past

As a child, his wife travelled the world for a year with her family. Before she died, he promised to take their sons on the same adventure, in her honour. http://bit.ly/1PhkQkO

Posted by Hello Goodbye Canada on Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Also, the show asked us to answer some questions so that they could do a follow up 'Where are they now' segment.  One of the videos is online, here.  

Jason, Max and Sully: Where are They Now?

Where are they now? Jason, Sully and Max sent us this message from New Zealand to tell us about their trip's highlights so far.

Posted by Hello Goodbye Canada on Friday, January 29, 2016


And I've posted some of our other answers, too. 

Enjoy!  And thanks to CBC Hello Goodbye for having us as part of their show. 

You can access the full episode here: www.cbc.ca/hellogoodbye/episodes/season1/ep4-honour-the-past