I’ve discovered one of the interesting things about travelling is that when it’s appropriate or relevant or whenever I feel like it, I can remove myself a bit from the reality of what’s going on in the world. Check out. Maybe we’ve been in a treehouse or on an island or in a small village in the middle of nowhere, but wherever we’ve found ourselves, it’s easy to unplug. Tough at times, but mostly easy. However, this week hasn’t been as easy. It never is. It’s Mother’s day tomorrow and regardless of where we are, that day always hits me like a fist to the jaw. And not because of my own mom. No, definitely not. She’s amazing. And I should probably call her more often and tell her that. (sidenote: “Mom, you’re amazing. Thank-you for everything you’ve done to help me get through life. Now that I have kids of my own, I can appreciate every frustrating to exhilarating moment you went through with us. Man, can I ever. Whoa. You were my rock growing up and I’ll be forever grateful for that. Love ya!”) I should still call her. Will.
But part of my issue with the day is, I can’t stand it. That's it. It eats me up. To me, it’s an unintended, in-your-face, reminder of what Sully and Max don’t have. They don’t get to experience the amazingness of having a mom. Mom's are the best. Right? They always make everything OK. And worse, Jane’s missing these incredible boys growing up and was robbed from enjoying the hell out of them. Even if Jane & I weren't in each other's lives, they would still have that. Her.
The photo above is about a month before Jane’s last Mother’s day.
She got 5 with Sully. One with Max.
Sully and her were thick as thieves. He worshipped the ground she walked on. She was his go to. And Jane had more time and patience than anyone for his talking and questions and well, just him. It was a partnership for the ages. Max told me the other day that he just really wished he could remember her. Ugh. So even though it’s been 7 solo Mother’s days, they don’t get any easier. I still get a little mad. A little jealous. Even bitter. Not at anyone in particular, but just in general. Wishing my boys had what so many other kids do. And then it passes, as it always does. But being away this year and not having it be so much in my face, has made me realize that although Jane is not around for them, other moms have stepped up. Of course they have. For that, I’ll always be thankful. Sully and Max get a small piece of her, from them.
And so, to all the Moms that are part of our crew...
To the Nicoles and Kat-Kats of our world who have always, always been there whenever needed…
To the Mels who walk Sully back & forth to school and love him like her own...
To the Chloes and Grandma Nettys who never forget a date and always send the perfect random packages...
To the Aunt Jak-Jaks and Aunt Jo-Jos and Gagas and Kims of our world, who at the drop of a hat will host a sleep over, a Skype, a Face-time, a dinner, or a weekend away…
To the Moms at our ski club, the teachers at James W Hill, the Moms we’ve been with on this trip and all the others back home who at one time or another held a hand, wiped a tear, gave a hug, kissed it better, fed a hungry belly, asked a question, listened to a story, or just shared their love…
It takes a village. You’re all a part of ours.
From oui3 to you…Happy Mother’s Day.