Jane's Birthday. :)

I laughed to myself earlier today.  An out loud one that made Sully ask why. 

We were travelling in a shuttle van jammed in with 7 other passengers.  11 people in total.  It was hot. Like 35 degrees hot, plus the humidity. And the van had no A/C.  Of course it didn't.  It was our home for the next 2 hours. I was soaked with sweat but had saved a grand total of $7 by not booking a private driver.  A driver who had a new car.  With AC.  $7...Christ, really?? 

But it’s all part of the adventure and I laughed that Jane would have been loving it.  No...embracing it.  Jammed right in with the 3 of us.  Laughing at Sully and Max suffering and squished between complete strangers.  Laughing at me, with my shirt more like a shammy, trying not to soak the person beside me. And her, riding shotgun. Chatting with our Balinese driver who couldn’t speak english, while she searched the Lonely Planet trying to figure out what we should do once we arrived at our destination.  It was perfect.

Well, we eventually ended up at a fun pub.  The Bamboo Bar and Restaurant and listened to a cool cover band, kick it retro style.  

We inhaled banana splits after dinner.  And gave her the best toast. 

Jane would have turned 43 today.  I don’t have many pictures with me, but this is one from our last big trip as a family.  We were driving up the East coast of the South Island of New Zealand.  Eventually heading to Kaikoura to watch some whales and eat some fish and chips.  We stopped here for a moment to check out the view.  Asked a random person to take our picture.  And then we were off.  A moment in time.

We’re now a family of three.  


With a 3 on the end for her.  Her favourite number.

Happy Birthday, Jyenna!!   

We had another fun day!  Because we can. xxoo

Below is the link to the lovely 'Lives Lived' article published in The Globe & Mail and written by our friend, Nonie Lesaux.  

Jane's Lives Lived Article.