It’s Got A Lot Of Money Money Money

So what? I did change a few of the lyrics of the song but thats EXACTLY how I feel about Dubai! SO MUCH MONEY (or ‘muns’ as Max likes to call it!) in such a small area! Dubai is really crazy but also REALLY cool! In fact it can really be called an international city (considering only 10% of the people who live there are Emirati) and it’s a lot like TO. We had some awesome hosts in Dubai (thanks Melony!) and they were living in a suburb (not exactly like Dartmouth but close enough) and virtually all the people around them were from Western countries. But outside of that area are all these other people (India and Pakistan are dominant) like Toronto. Back to those hosts…

Their names are Ollie (9) Imogen (9 and twins with Ollie) Will (11) and their parents Deb and Joel. Thanks to them Dubai is really high (if not THE highest) on my list! I won’t give out any details about which country is Numero Uno until the trip is finished…which is actually in sight. We arrived at the Finlayson’s house tired but excited to get to play with some kids our ages! We weren’t let down as about 30 minutes after we arrived we went to a party at a friend’s house! There was like 20 kids there! At the end we even had a pinãtã! It was a BLAST! The next morning we woke up and played Terreria (which we’d just downloaded) and we duplicated some of Will and Ollie’s stuff for me! Max couldn't get it because he can’t remember the password for Jay’s Apple ID. For those of you who will understand this I have the TERRA BLADE and Turtle Shell chest-plate and leggings and a Chlorophyte helmet. During the afternoon Joel took Max, Ollie, Imogen (or Imi for short) and me to a trampoline place a lot like Skyline! There was even a designated dodgeball place there! It was really organized and the only thing I didn’t like was that whenever there was a party the kids in the party got one out of three courts to themselves and another was taken up by dodgeball and so half of the remaining court was roped off for little kids so that they wouldn’t collide with older kids. The next day the Finlaysons had to go to school (their schooldays are Sunday-Thursday) and so we had the house to ourselves except for Joel who was working from home that day. I played with Will’s Lego and the Risk pieces and Max just watched me. I also read Will’s Elementia Chronicles: Herobrine’s Message Part 1! When it was around lunchtime we grabbed some apples off the counter and went in Deb’s car (which she kindly lent us) to Abu Dhabi the capital of the U.A.E (United Arab Emirates) and BRACE YOURSELVES: we’ve got a history lesson incoming!! There are seven Emirates (like provinces or states) in the U.A.E. and Dubai is one of them. In Abu Dhabi we went to the Grand Mosque (which is pretty grand!) and it was so…BEAUTIFUL! There were tiles imported from Italy (again; the money) and in the sun they didn’t burn your feet like some other temples we’ve been to (See: Burnt feet, swimming and food.) and there was also water fountains with COLD water. In the blistering sun it was a relief! When we got back home (it really felt like it!) the Finlaysons were done from school and so we all went and played Marco Polo in the pool! I never got caught (because I opened my eyes underwater to see the person who was it coming for me) and also because I took advantage of the rule that says if you’re underwater when the ‘it’ says “Marco” you don’t have to say “Polo” back! So I just went into the deep end (which was 2.5m deep) and went underwater for most of the time! For dinner that night we had Steak ’n’ Potatoes (a special request from yours truly) which was AWESOME!! Tomorrow were gonna go to Oman in the Middle East!